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BcfColumnBehavior PropertiesCalculationWorks BCF Library 1.1 for .NET Framework 4.5

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The BcfColumnBehavior type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAllowNull
Gets a value indicating whether BcfCell.Value can be null.
Public propertyColumnTypeConstraints
Gets the column type constraints.
Public propertyDataType
Gets the internal Type of the BcfCell.Value. When PropertyType is Nullable DataType is the generic argument. When PropertyType is int? DataType will be int
Public propertyDefaultValueSource
Gets the BcfCell.Value default value source.
Public propertyPropertyType
Gets the Type of the BcfCell.Value property. When PropertyType is Nullable DataType is the generic argument. When PropertyType is int? DataType will be int
Public propertySetter
Gets the column setter. Setters can be used to intercept and/or redirect writes on the BcfCell.Value property.
Public propertyValueConverter
Gets the BcfCell.Value converter.
See Also
