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CalculationWorks.BusinessModel NamespaceCalculationWorks BCF Library 1.1 for .NET Framework 4.5

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The namespace contains types to create an extendable in-memory business model with relation, transaction, calculation, validation, undo and redo support.

Public classBcfCalculationException
This exception wraps exception that occur in BcfFunction.Compute() or BcfValidator.Validate().
Public classBcfCell
Represents an individual cell in a table.
Public classBcfCellChangedEventArgs
Provides event data.
Public classBcfColumn
Represents the schema of a column in a BcfTable. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classBcfColumnCollection
Represents a collection of BcfColumn objects for a BcfTable. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classBcfComputeException
Base class of BcfRelationConstraintException and BcfCalculationException.
Public classBcfDataSet
Represents an in-memory reactive data model.
Public classBcfExternalEventReleaseException
Class ExternalEventReleaseException.
Public classBcfFunctionBase
Infrastructure. The type supports the infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public classBcfFunctionBaseT
Generic base class of all custom functions.
Public classBcfFunctionBaseInternal
Infrastructure. The type supports the infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public classBcfMandatoryAttribute
Properties decorated with this attribute will appear as mandatory in the editor. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classBcfModelObjectCollectionT
Base class for model collections.
Public classBcfParameter
Represents an assigned parameter property of a function or validator object. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classBcfPropertyAttribute
Properties decorated with this attribute will appear in the editor. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classBcfReadOnlyModelObjectCollectionT
Read only base class for model collections.
Public classBcfRelatedRowCell
Represents an individual child-to-parent row relation.
Public classBcfRelatedRowsCell
Represents an individual parent-to-child rows relation.
Public classBcfRelation
Represents a parent-child relationship between two BcfTable objects. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classBcfRelationCollection
Represents the collection of BcfRelation objects for this BcfDataSet. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classBcfRelationConstraintException
This exception will be thrown when a unique (including primary) or foreign-key constraint cannot be enforced.
Public classBcfRollbackException
This exception is thrown when a transaction rollback failed.
Public classBcfRow
Represents a row of data in a BcfTable.
Public classBcfRowBuilder
Infrastructure. The BcfRowBuilder type supports the infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classBcfRowCollection
Represents a collection of rows for a BcfTable. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classBcfRowCollectionChangedEventArgs
Provides event data.
Public classBcfTable
Represents a table of in-memory data.
Public classBcfTableTRow
Class BcfTable. The abstract base class for typed table classes.
Public classBcfTableBuilder
Infrastructure. The BcfTableBuilder type supports the infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classBcfTableCollection
Represents the collection of tables for the BcfDataSet. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classBcfTransaction
Represents a transaction.
Public classBcfTransactionBuilder
Helper class, providing additional data to the BcfTransactionFactory.
Public classBcfValidatorBase
Base class of all custom validators
Public classBcfValidatorCell
Represents a validation cell. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classBcfValidatorCellContent
Represents a concrete validator result on a validator cell. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classBcfValidatorMessage
Return value of a validators Validate() function.
Public classBcfValidatorResult
Represents an validator output.
Public classBcfValidatorResultCollection
Collection of validator results.
Public classBcfValidatorResultCollectionChangedEventArgs
Class BcfValidatorResultCollectionChangedEventArgs.

Public interfaceIBcfModelObject
Interface IBcfModelObject

Public enumerationBcfCellChangeType
Enum BcfCellChangeType
Public enumerationBcfRelationRule
Enum BcfRelationRule
Public enumerationBcfRowCollectionChangeType
Enum BcfRowCollectionChangeType
Public enumerationBcfRowState
Enum BcfRowState
Public enumerationBcfTransactionCreationReason
Enum BcfTransactionCreationReason
Public enumerationBcfValidatorResultCollectionChangeAction
Enum BcfValidatorResultCollectionChangeAction