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Edit code generation settings, naming patterns and other model options.

This topic contains the following sections:

Category General




The Name of your model. Name will be used as:


Opens the Namespace Dialog

Validate C# Class Names

Checking this option will cause BCF Editor to show a warning when a table name or a column name is not a valid C# name (e.g. "class")

Validate VB Class Names

Checking this option will cause BCF Editor to show a warning when a table name or a column name is not a valid VB name (e.g. "Namespace")

Category Data Set Setup



C# Project

C# project file used to load types and dependencies. Relativ path names will be resolved based on BCF-file location.

Generate DataSetSetup

Checking this option causes BCF Editor to generate the custom BcfDataSetSetup class. See Menu/Generator/Generate All.

Code File

Path and file name of the custom BcfDataSetSetup class. Relativ path names will be resolved based on BCF-file location.

Generate Constructors

When unchecking codegeneration of dataset setup constructors will be omitted.

Generate XML Code Comments

Checking this option will add XML code comments to the generated file.


Namespace the custom BcfDataSetSetup class resides in.

Class Name

The custom BcfDataSetSetup class name.

Tip Tip

Avoid circular code generation dependency

Placing functions and dataset setup in the same project may cause trouble: When refactoring, you can not compile until new code is generated and you can not generate new code until the project is compiled.

It is not a big deal. You can remove all code from generated dataset setup InitSetup(...) method to make project compiles. After that you can re-generate code. Or you:

  • Place your functions, validators etc. in project one.

  • Use this project file as DataSetSetup C# Project.

  • Place DataSetSetup code file in a second project.

  • In second project add a reference to project one.

This way generating datset setup depends only on project one.

Category Data Set



Generate DataSetSetup

Checking this option causes BCF Editor to generate the typed BcfDataSet class. See Menu/Generator/Generate All.

C# Project - Same as DataSetSetup

Checking this option will use the same project context (dependencies) as DataSetSetup.

C# Project

C# project file used to load types and dependencies. Relativ path names will be resolved based on BCF-file location.

Code File

Path and file name of the typed BcfDataSet class. Relativ path names will be resolved based on BCF-file location.

Generate XML Code Comments

Checking this option will add XML code comments to the generated file.


An optional XML code comment.


Namespace the typed BcfDataSet class resides in.

DataSet Class Name

The typed BcfDataSet class name.

DataSet Base Class

The typed BcfDataSet base class. Default is CalculationWorks.BusinessModel.BcfDataSet.

Table Class Name Format

Class name pattern for typed BcfTable classes. Default is {0}Table. {0} will be replaced with tables name.

Each tables class name can be specified explicit on TABLE Properties.

Table Property Name Format

Property name pattern for typed BcfTable properties on typed BcfDataSet class. Default is {0}Table. {0} will be replaced with tables name.

Each tables property name can be specified explicit on TABLE Properties.

Table Base Class

Base class for typed BcfTable classes. Default is CalculationWorks.BusinessModel.BcfTable<>. The typed BcfRow class will be used as generic type parameter.

Row Class Name Format

Class name pattern for typed BcfRow classes. Default is {0}Row. {0} will be replaced with tables name.

Each tables row class name can be specified explicit on TABLE Properties.

Row Base Class

Base class for typed BcfRow classes. Default is CalculationWorks.BusinessModel.BcfRow.

GetChildRowsMethod Name Format

Name pattern for typed GetChildRows method. Default is Get{0}Rows. Replacement is:

  • 0 relation name

  • 1 name of parent table

  • 2 name of child table

Each method name can be specified on RELATION properties.

AddChildRowMethod Name Format

Name pattern for typed AddChildRow method. Default is Add{0}Row. Replacement is:

  • 0 relation name

  • 1 name of parent table

  • 2 name of child table

Each method name can be specified on RELATION properties.

ParentRowProperty Name Format

Name pattern for typed ParentRow property. Default is {0}Row. Replacement is:

  • 0 relation name

  • 1 name of parent table

  • 2 name of child table

Each property name can be specified on RELATION properties.

ColumnProperty Name Format

Name pattern for column properties on typed BcfTable class.

Category Poco



Generate Poco

Checking this option causes BCF Editor to generate POCO classes. See Menu/Generator/Generate All.

Code File

Path and file name of POCO classes. Relativ path names will be resolved based on BCF-file location.


Namespace the POCO classes resides in.

Add DataContractAttribute

Checking the option will decorate generated POCO classes with DataContractAttribute and fields with DataMemberAttribute.

DataContract Namespace

Namespace property of DataContractAttribute.

Add SerializableAttribute

Checking the option will decorate generated POCO classes with SerializableAttribute.

Forms Views
Category Forms



Generate ViewManager

Checking this option causes BCF Editor to generate the typed BcfViewManager class. See Menu/Generator/Generate All.

C# Project - Same as DataSet Project

Checking this option will use the same project context (dependencies) as DataSet.

C# Project

C# project file used to load types and dependencies. Relativ path names will be resolved based on BCF-file location.

Code File

Path and file name of the typed BcfViewManager class. Relativ path names will be resolved based on BCF-file location.

Generate XML Code Comments

Checking this option will add XML code comments to the generated file.


Namespace the typed BcfViewManager class resides in.

ViewManager Base Class

The typed BcfViewManager base class. Default is CalculationWorks.ViewModel.Forms.BcfViewManager. Another built-in Windows.Forms view manager is CalculationWorks.ViewModel.Forms.BcfHierarchicalViewManager.

TableView Base Class

Base class for typed BcfTableViewBase class. Default is CalculationWorks.ViewModel.Forms.BcfTableViewBase<>. The typed BcfRowView class will be used as generic type parameter.

RowView Base Class

Base class for typed BcfRowView classes. Default is CalculationWorks.ViewModel.Forms.BcfCommonRowView.

WPF Views
Category Wpf



Generate ViewManager

Checking this option causes BCF Editor to generate the typed BcfViewManager class. See Menu/Generator/Generate All.

C# Project - Same as DataSet

Checking this option will use the same project context (dependencies) as DataSet.

C# Project

C# project file used to load types and dependencies. Relativ path names will be resolved based on BCF-file location.

Code File

Path and file name of the typed BcfViewManager class. Relativ path names will be resolved based on BCF-file location.

Generate XML Code Comments

Checking this option will add XML code comments to the generated file.


Namespace the typed BcfViewManager class resides in.

ViewManager Base Class

The typed BcfViewManager base class. Default is CalculationWorks.ViewModel.Windows.BcfViewManager.

TableView Base Class

Base class for typed BcfTableViewBase class. Default is CalculationWorks.ViewModel.Windows.BcfTableViewBase<>. The typed BcfRowView class will be used as generic type parameter.

RowView Base Class

Base class for typed BcfRowView classes. Default is CalculationWorks.ViewModel.Windows.BcfCommonRowView.

All Views
Category All Views



ViewManager Class Name

Typed view managers class name.

TableView Class Name Format

Class name pattern for typed TableView classes. Default is {0}TableViewModel. {0} will be replaced with tables name.

Each tables TableView class name can be specified explicit on TABLE Properties.

TableView Property Name Format

Property name pattern for typed TableView properties on typed ViewManager class. Default is {0}TableView. {0} will be replaced with tables name.

Each TableViews property name can be specified explicit on TABLE Properties.

RowView Class Name Format

Class name pattern for typed RowView classes. Default is {0}RowViewModel. {0} will be replaced with tables name.

Each tables RowView class name can be specified explicit on TABLE Properties.

ParentRowView Property Name Format

Name pattern for typed ParentRow property. Default is Parent{0}RowView. Replacement is:

  • 0 relation name

  • 1 name of parent table

  • 2 name of child table

Each property name can be specified on RELATION properties.

ChildView Property Name Format

Name pattern for typed ChildView property. Default is {0}. Replacement is:

  • 0 relation name

  • 1 name of parent table

  • 2 name of child table

Each property name can be specified on RELATION properties.