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BcfDataSetBehavior Properties

The BcfDataSetBehavior type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCleanupOptions
Gets the cleanup options item.
Public propertyColumnBehaviorFactory
Gets the column behavior factory.
Public propertyDiagnostics
Gets the diagnostic item.
Public propertyParallelOptions
Gets the parallel options item.
Public propertyParameterBehaviorFactory
Gets the parameter behavior factory.
Public propertyRelationBehaviorFactory
Gets the relation behavior factory.
Public propertyStateIdItem
Gets the instance managing a state identifier.
Public propertyTableBehaviorFactory
Gets the table behavior factory.
Public propertyTableFactory
Gets the table factory.
Public propertyTransactionFactory
Gets the transaction factory.
Public propertyUndoRepository
Gets the undo repository.
Public propertyValidatorBehaviorFactory
Gets the validator behavior factory.
See Also