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Column: Settings

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]




The column summary.

Type (c#)

The column type. Valid are all .net types except open generic types and static classes.

Caution note Caution

Use immutable types or treat instances as immutable. Changing instance values will not been recognized and may cause unexpected behavior.


Allow Null

Primary Key

If checked the column is (a part) of tables primary key. If using multiple columns as primary keys the column index defines the key order. See:

Include In Undo

Default (c#)

Function (c#)

Async Option

Should Persist

Create Property (Row)

Specifies whether a property on row-class will be generated for the column value.

Create Property (View)

Specifies whether a property on row-view-class will be generated for the column value.


If true the row and row-view properties are generated without setter. This does NOT mean the value can not be changed. All cell values can be changed (at least temporary) using SetValueT.

Ref Count

Number of parameters using this column as source.

Column Property Name

Tables column-property name.

Use Default (Column Property Name)

True if "Column Property Name" is default (from columnname and Project/DataSet/Column Property Name Format).

Convert (c#)

Convert value function. Used when values are assiged untyped e.g. SetValueObject.

public delegate bool BcfConvert<T>(BcfColumn<T> column, object proposedValue, out T convertedValue);
// enter in BCF-Editor:

// required in referenced project:
public class Util {
  public static bool Convert<T>(BcfColumn<T> column, object proposedValue, out T convertedValue) {
    try {
      convertedValue = (T)Convert.ChangeType(proposedValue, typeof(T));
      return true;
    } catch(Exception) {
      convertedValue = default(T);
      return false;

Format (c#)

Trigger (c#)

Discard (c#)

Value Constraint (c#)

Equality Comparer (c#)

Sequence (c#)

Option Properties...

See Also