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Project: Settings

This topic contains the following sections:



The model name property. Used as dataset name(Name) and dataset-setup name(Name).


Opens the Namespace dialog. The namespaces checked here are used to analyze settings (types, functions, trigger...) and in code generation.

Validate Names (C#)

Causes editor to check names (tablenames, columnnames...) are valid C# identifier.

Validate Names (VB)

Causes editor to check names (tablenames, columnnames...) are valid VB identifier.


C# Project File

Specifies C#-project file (*.csproj) containing the types the generated BcfDataSetSetup can access. If none specified BCF-Editor will use a default project using .net 4.6.2 referencing the BCF-Library and some system libraries. In most cases you should specify the project the generated DataSetSetup belongs to.

BCF-Editor will not update the project file. After generating DataSetSetup for the first time - or after update its filename - you have to add the generated file to the project.

C# Generator Output

Specifies the filename for generated BcfDataSetSetup.


Specifies the namespace for generated BcfDataSetSetup.

Class Name

Specifies the class name for generated BcfDataSetSetup.

Generate XML Code Comments

If checked XML comments will be added to DataSetSetup code.

Allow Partial Undo

When checked all columns "Include In Undo"-setting will be true.

Support Undo Persistence

Causes BCF-Editor to generate additional code required for transaction serialization.

FaultMessage Base Type

Causes BCF-Editor to check rules returns instances of specified type.


Generate Typed DataSet

If checked Generate Commands will generate the typed DataSet.

C# Project File (Same AS DataSetSetup)

When checked DataSetSetup-project-file will be used.

C# Project File

Specifies C#-project file (*.csproj) containing the types the generated BcfDataSet can access.

C# Generator Output

Specifies the filename for generated BcfDataSet.

Generate XML Code Comments

If checked XML comments will be added to DataSet code.

Generator Constructors

Uncheck this to prevent generating DataSet constructors. This may be required when DataSetSetup resides in an assembly the DataSet-project can not reference. The generated DataSetSetup-class is marked as partial; so you can add custom constructors in an other file.


Summary comment.


Specifies the namespace for generated BcfDataSet.

Class Name

Specifies the class name for generated BcfDataSet.

Base Class

Specifies the base class of generated BcfDataSet.

Table Class Name Format

Specifies how to create table class-names by default.

Table Property Name Format

Specifies how to create the DataSets table property-names by default.

Table Base Class

Specifies the base class of generated BcfTable-classes.

Row Class Name Format

Specifies how to create row class-names by default.

Row Base Class

Specifies the base class of generated BcfRow-classes.

ChildRowsProperty Name Format

Specifies how to create rows "ChildRows"-properties names by default.

Add ChildRowsMethod Name Format

Specifies how to create rows "AddChildRows"-methods names by default.

ParentRowProperty Name Format

Specifies how to create rows "ParentRow"-properties names by default.

Relation Property Name Format

Specifies how to create the DataSets relation properties-names by default.

Column Property Name Format

Specifies how to create the Tables column properties-names by default.

Data-Transfer-Object Support


Enable generating Data-Transfer-Object-Interfaces and Load/Save methods.

C# Generator Output

Specifies the filename for generated ViewManager.


Specifies the namespace for generated DTO-interfaces.

DTO Name Suffix

A name suffix for generated DTO-interfaces.

Check Properties are serializable

When checked BCF-Editor adds a fault in error-panel for any property having a non-serializable type.

WPF and Forms ViewManagers

Following setting are available for WPF-ViewManager(BcfViewManager) and Forms-ViewManager(BcfViewManager)

Generate ViewManager

If checked Generate Commands will generate the ViewManager.

C# Project File (Same AS DataSet)

When checked DataSet-project-file will be used.

C# Project File

Specifies C#-project file (*.csproj) containing the types the generated ViewManager can access.

C# Generator Output

Specifies the filename for generated ViewManager.

Generate XML Code Comments

If checked XML comments will be added to ViewManager code.


Specifies the namespace for generated ViewManager.

Base Class

Specifies the base class of generated ViewManager.

TableView Base Class

Specifies the base class of generated TableView-classes.

RowView Base Class

Specifies the base class of generated RowView-classes.

All ViewManagers

Following setting are unique for both ViewManagers types.

Class Name

Specifies the class name for generated ViewManager.

TableView Class Name Format

Specifies how to create table-view class-names by default.

TableView Property Name Format

Specifies how to create the ViewManagers table-view property-names by default.

RowView Class Name Format

Specifies how to create row-view class-names by default.

ParentRowViewProperty Name Format

Specifies how to create row-views "ParentRowView"-properties names by default.

ChildRowViewsProperty Name Format

Specifies how to create rows "ChildRowViews"-properties names by default.

See Also