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BcfTransactionBuilder PropertiesCalculationWorks BCF Library 1.1 for .NET Framework 4.5

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The BcfTransactionBuilder type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAddChildRow
Gets or sets the child row to add.
Public propertyBuildSubTransaction
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the transaction to build is a subtransaction.
Public propertyDataSet
Gets the BcfDataSet the builder belongs to.
Public propertyNewParentRow
Gets or sets the new parent row.
Public propertyNewValue
Gets or sets the new value.
Public propertyReason
Gets the reason.
Public propertyRemoveChildRow
Gets or sets the child row to remove.
Public propertyRow
Gets or sets the BcfRow that should be updated.
Public propertyUpdateCell
Gets or sets the BcfCell that should be updated.
Public propertyUpdateRelatedRowCell
Gets or sets the BcfRelatedRowCell that should be updated.
Public propertyUpdateRelatedRowsCell
Gets or sets the BcfRelatedRowsCell that should be updated.
See Also
