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BcfDataSet PropertiesCalculationWorks BCF Library 1.1 for .NET Framework 4.5

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The BcfDataSet type exposes the following members.


Public propertyBehavior
Gets the BcfDataSetBehavior.
Public propertyCalculating
Gets a value indicating whether this BcfDataSet is currently calculating.
Public propertyChangeTracking
Gets a value indicating whether change tracking is enabled.
Public propertyCurrentTransaction
Gets the current BcfTransaction.
Public propertyMaxRecursionDepth
Gets or sets the maximum recursion depth.
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the current dataset.
Public propertyRelations
Get the collection of relations that link tables and allow parameter access from parent tables to child tables and vice versa.
Public propertyReleasingEvents
Gets a value indicating whether the release of the deferred events is currently in process.
Public propertyStateId
Gets the state identifier.
Public propertyTables
Gets the collection of tables contained in the dataset.
Public propertyValidationResults
Gets the collection of BcfValidatorResult objects.
See Also
